The Joker, iconic Super-Villain of Gotham City, plans all his devious attacks from his evil lair, the Laff Factory. Power Pads bring all the action to life, including a spinning rocket ride, "swimming" fish in the dunk tank, projectile launchers, and a spinning elevator! Kids can create exciting, villainous adventures with Batman's foe and this action-packed playset. Imaginext Imagine What's Next!
- Contents: A Laff Factory Playset
- Create villainous adventures with this Imaginext The Joker at the Laff Factory playset
- Turn the Power Pad to spin the dunk tank fish and ride the rocket around this Batman playset
- Turn Power Pad to launch the missiles (Includes 3 projectiles)
- Place The Joker Imaginext figure in the elevator and lift to see him travel up and spin around
- An Imaginext DC playset gift for 3- to 8-year-olds