The new Fantastic Four, Mole Man Pop! Vinyls are here!
A former scientist turned villain, the Mole Man is a recurring foe of the Fantastic Four. His schemes usually consist of trying to rule the surface of the Earth with the aid of his "Moloids", subterranean, mole-human hybrids that he rules over.
The Mole Man was originally Harvey Rupert Elder, an American nuclear engineer and explorer. Elder was socially shunned due to a combination of his abrasive personality and his homely, dwarfish appearance. Furthermore, his fellow explorers ridiculed him for his eccentric, crackpot theories regarding a Hollow Earth. In 1956, while following the group of explorers called the Monster Hunters, he stumbled upon Monster Isle, which was at the time a base of the Deviant Warlord Kro.
Figure measures about 3 3/4 inches tall and comes packaged in a window display box, please note images shown are artwork and final product produced may vary.